Higher Yields while Conserving Resources

Farmers are stewards of the land and realize better than most that on the South Plains that water is king. For more than 20 years, D&H Ag Services has specialized in Subsurface Drip Irrigation systems including design, sales, and service. By precisely placing every drop of water where it belongs we create healthier, more productive crops with higher yields using less water.

D&H Ag Services - subsurface drip irrigation experts - chagservices.com

What is drip irrigation?
Subsurface drip irrigation is a low-pressure, high efficiency irrigation system that uses buried drip tape to meet crop water needs.
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Why Subsurface drip irrigation?
Maximize yield and quality
Water application efficiencies
Fertilizer savings
Energy savings
Precise field dimension design

Advantages of subsurface drip irrigation
Designed to fit exact field shape
Eliminates surface evaporation
Reduces crop stress
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SDI vs. Pivot irrigation
Disadvantages of Pivots
Not suitable to irrigate a large rectangle or a square field
Unequal distribution of water and fertilizers

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Precise water targeting
Acts as root zone management tool so these expectations will be met.
Increased ability to manage crop
Uniform application of water
Consistent application of nutrients
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Take action on clogged nozzles, insect damage, moisture stress, soil compaction - dhagservices.com


D&H partners with a comprehensive Cloud enabled irrigation management system that combines hardware, software and communication components together with analytical tools and advanced user interface into one all-inclusive and powerful centralized crop management system. This field management technology is designed to provide farmers with an expandable, modular, efficient and versatile crop management system that makes efficient use of water, energy, chemicals and manpower resources while increasing yields, quality, and profitability.

subsurface drip irrigation - dhagservices.com

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The Crosbyton Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture’s May business of the month is D&H Ag Enterprises, Inc

August 26, 2019

The Crosbyton Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture’s May business of the month is D&H Ag Enterprises Inc., owned and operated by Dusty and Heather Cornelius. D&H Ag Enterprises includes irrigation, farming, and other agriculture services that were created to assist producers and landowners. These businesses are all located in Crosbyton. D&H Ag Services have more than 20 years of experience in subsurface drip irrigation, including design, sales, and service. Placing every drop of water precisely results in healthier, more productive crops with higher yields. Subsurface drip irrigation saves producers money by using less water, and producers can efficiently manage water and nutrients. D&H is well known for doing the job right the first time by applying comprehensive design techniques. They combine this excellent design with high-quality products and superior customer service. D&H Ag Services offer after hour service calls to help farmers keep their operations running smoothly. Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Saturday. D&H can help with most farming needs. They offer custom harvesting in addition to other services. As a 12-year-old, Dusty started mowing grass and working on sprinkler systems. Because of his dedication and hard work over the years, it has grown into a successful irrigation business. Dusty was doing custom harvesting on the side, and in 2010 he started farming. In 2015 he expanded their farming operations. Dusty grew up in Crosbyton and then moved to Big Spring his sophomore year in high school. The day after his high school graduation, he moved back to Crosbyton! Dusty then attended Texas Tech University and received his bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics. Dusty has been married to Heather for 23 wonderful years, and they have four children. Their oldest, Chase, is married to SyAnn, and they have blessed Dusty and Heather with their first grandbaby, Kaden. Their oldest daughter, Keeley, is attending nursing school at Texas Tech. Next is Ty, a senior in high school, and finally Kynzee, who is in the sixth grade. When asked what he likes most about Crosbyton, he said that people have a vision and then they make it happen. For example, 50 years ago Crosbyton citizens built White River Lake, as well as the world’s biggest gin at that time, Associated Cotton Growers. The best advice Dusty has ever received is: No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up! The Chamber wanted […]

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24-Row Planter

May 21, 2019

  Farmers always welcome rain but especially right before the planting season begins. 2019 was an extremely wet year and had many local farmers stressing about how they would get all their acres planted. The abundance of rain during the spring continued into planting season which provided the Texas South Plains farmers an especially challenging planting season. D&H Ag Services were glad they had added the right equipment – a 24-row planter. The large planter helped them get all their acres planted before the crop insurance deadlines. The 24-row planter was ideal for D&H Ag Services during the short planting window this year. When the soil dried out, D&H Ag focused on covering as much ground as possible in a day. The planting was accomplished quickly by covering an average of 63 acres per hour. They were able to plant between 600 and 700 acres per day with precise seed placement. In combination with their other planters, they were able to get all of their seed in the ground. Surprisingly, the maneuverability of the 24-row planter was efficient getting in and out of fields and traveling down the highway. These were not difficult tasks because of how nicely the planter folds up. And the 24-row planter was easy to use in small fields as the large planter lessens the number of times a farmer must turnaround in each field. While turning on the larger fields was not as challenging as one may have thought. The 24-row planter was a welcomed asset to the versatile equipment that D&H uses to plant their crops. After the planting season, the 24-row planter was simple to store because it folds up easily. The crop planting is complete, and now the cotton continues growing. D&H Ag Services has been pleased that they added this piece of equipment to their farming operations. For more information on D&H Ag, give Dusty Cornelius a call at 806.454.4100.

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