Want to partner with the experts in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Rolling Plains of Texas?
If you have farms in Hall, Childress, Motley, Cottle, Hardeman, Wilbarger, Wichita, Clay, Montague, Cooke, Grayson, Dickens, King, Knox, Baylor, Archer, Kent, Stonewall, Haskell, Throckmorton, Young, Jack, Wise, Shackelford, Stephens, Palo Pinto, Callahan, Taylor, Nolan, Howard, Sterling, Tom Green, Irion, Concho, Runnels counties then D&H can help you achieve more yield in the field. D&H Ag has more than 20 years of experience in installing and maintaining subsurface drip irrigation systems. For more information on Subsurface Drip Irrigation Rolling Plains of Texas call D&H Ag Services today!

Having the irrigation underground and keeping the soil surface dry reduces evaporation. And subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) allows farm equipment to enter the field even during irrigation cycles. In arid areas, such as the Rolling Plains of Texas, soil crusting causes a cascade of consequences. A dry soil surface can negatively affect plant growth. Although a dry soil surface can reduce the potential for weed germination and restrict the growth of shallow-rooted weeds. Because drip lines are underground, high wind speeds do not limit irrigation uniformity and efficiency. High winds can significantly damage center pivots but have little effect on subsurface drip irrigation systems. And the wind does not interfere when applying chemicals and fertilizers with subsurface drip irrigation. Subsurface drip irrigation systems consistently deliver higher quality and quantity crop yields.
Advantages of Subsurface Drip Irrigation
Water is the single best investment on a farm. And producers continually see a huge return from subsurface drip irrigation. It is the most efficient in-season system available. Managing water with subsurface drip irrigation systems increases the return on investment. A well-designed system quickly pays for itself and adds to the producers’ bottom line. SDI systems allow producers to cut labor expenses, maximum yields, and provide optimal water use efficiencies.
Low flow rate requirements of subsurface drip irrigation systems allow operating with smaller pumps than are required for a center pivot or furrow system. Flow rates are a key consideration with low-yielding wells. Producers realize significant energy savings when shifting surface irrigation to subsurface drip irrigation. Lower capabilities and energy savings are only possible due to higher efficiencies.
Subsurface drip irrigation meets many expectations because water targeting acts as a root zone management tool. Producers see an increased ability to manage crops. And can program uniform water use as well as consistent application of nutrients. The simplicity of operation and maintenance increases production, profits, and yield in each field.
Precisely placing each drop of water, reduces crop stress and weed germination. Subsurface drip irrigation eliminates surface evaporation and herbicide wash-out. SDI provides a safe and efficient delivery for fertilizers and chemicals. Additionally, these delivery methods lessen labor requirements and fuel costs. Efficient irrigation with fewer salts is significant to producers.
Producers boast of maximizing yield and quality of their crops because of water application efficiencies. Seeing reduced fertilizer and energy costs is refreshing. Conserving water is simple as SDI applies water only where it needs to be. Efficient layout design uses exact field dimensions which maximize water distribution in subsurface drip irrigation, thus saving money.
Automating subsurface drip irrigation allows frequent water applications. Injecting fertilizers and other chemicals such as acids, chlorine, and even pesticides with the irrigation water provide uniform distribution. Managing and applying small amounts of water and other inputs daily or several times a day is productive. Adjusting small and frequent treatments to match the water and nutrient needs of the crop is easy. Spoon-feeding water and nutrients will ideally result in increased yields and decreased nutrient losses.
D&H Ag Services partner with a Cloud-enabled subsurface drip irrigation monitoring and management system. This system combines hardware, software, and communication components. And it has analytical tools and an advanced user interface to make it a comprehensive and robust centralized crop management system. The proven field management technology gives producers an expandable, modular, efficient, and versatile crop management system. It makes efficient use of water, energy, chemicals, and manpower resources while increasing yields, quality, and profitability.
D&H Ag Services utilize a monitoring system to view Crop Health Imagery digitally. Nutrient deficiency, nitrogen stress, or herbicide injury can be seen on the digital image allowing producers to take immediate action. Making changes for clogged nozzles, insect damage, moisture stress, soil compaction, and initial signs of disease is simple.

Real Time Crop Data
The advantages of D&H wireless telemetry systems are numerous. Making irrigation systems adjustments quickly with a cell phone is possible because of the real-time crop data. Additionally, real-time information helps optimize D&H Ag Services innovative subsurface drip irrigation systems.

Subsurface Drip Irrigation Rolling Plains of Texas
D&H Ag Services have more than 20 years’ experience in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Rolling Plains of Texas including design, sales, and service. Placing every drop of water precisely results in healthier, more productive crops with higher yields. And subsurface drip irrigation saves money by using less water as producers can efficiently manage water and nutrients. D&H is well known for doing the job right the first time by applying comprehensive design techniques. They also combine this excellent design with high-quality products and superior customer service.

Subsurface Drip Irrigation Rolling Plains of Texas
D&H Ag Services partner with producers and landowners to increase profitability. The goal of designing and building systems is that they last for many years. As producers themselves, D&H truly understands the significance of making wise investments. D&H Ag Services has 20 plus years of experience in designing and installing more than 40,000 acres of subsurface drip irrigation systems. This extensive knowledge allows D&H Ag Services to provide excellent SDI services to Lubbock area, South Plains of Texas, Texas High Plains, Texas Panhandle, Rolling Plains of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma farming communities.